Biology In Human Welfare Human Health And Disease

Concepts to remember on Biology in Human Welfare: Human Health and Disease


  • Physical and mental well-being without disease, pain, or disability. Disease:
  • Abnormal conditions impairing normal bodily functions. Types of Diseases:
  • Communicable: Caused by microorganisms, transmissible from person to person.
  • Non-communicable: Not caused by infectious agents; genetic, environmental, behavioral factors. Immunity:
  • Ability of an organism to resist disease or infection. Types of Immunity:
  • Innate: Natural defenses present from birth, including physical and chemical barriers.
  • Adaptive: Develops in response to specific pathogens, involves antibody production and immune cell activation. Vaccines:
  • Biological preparations that stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against specific diseases, providing protection. Antibiotics:
  • Drugs that kill or inhibit bacterial growth, used to treat bacterial infections. Sanitation:
  • Measures to promote cleanliness and hygiene, preventing disease spread. Nutrition:
  • Adequate intake of essential nutrients for maintaining good health and preventing nutritional disorders. Lifestyle Choices:
  • Factors like smoking, drinking, physical activity, stress management that impact health and disease risk. Mental Health:
  • State of well-being involving coping with life stresses, realizing potential, working productively, and contributing to the community. Mental Health Disorders:
  • Conditions affecting thoughts, emotions, and behavior, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.