Biology In Human Welfare Human Health And Disease

Concepts in Biology In Human Welfare and Human Health and Disease:


  • Remember: Pathogens are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoans that cause disease. Mnemonic: Bad Villains Fight People

Types of pathogens:

  • Obligate pathogens: Mnemonic: OOPS, Obligate pathogens are obliging, need a host to survive.

  • Opportunistic pathogens: Mnemonic: OPPS!, Opportunistic pathogens only cause disease when the host is weakened or immune-compromised.

Transmission of pathogens:

  • Direct transmission: Mnemonic: Don’t Double Dip, Direct transmission occurs through contact with an infected person or animal.

  • Indirect transmission: Mnemonic: It’s In the Air, Indirect transmission occurs through contact with contaminated objects, surfaces, or the air.

  • Airborne transmission: Mnemonic: Airborne Particles** A**re Spreading, Airborne transmission occurs when pathogens are suspended in the air and inhaled.

  • Waterborne transmission: Mnemonic: Water We Worry, Waterborne transmission occurs through contaminated water.

  • Vector-borne transmission: Mnemonic: Vectors Bring Bad News, Vector-borne transmission occurs through the bite of an infected vector (mosquitoes, ticks, fleas).

Infectious diseases:

  • Infectious diseases: Mnemonic: Infectious diseases are Caused by Invaders, Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens.

  • Non-infectious diseases: Mnemonic: Non-Infectious diseases are Not Caused by Invaders, Non-infectious diseases are not caused by pathogens, but rather by genetic defects, lifestyle factors, or environmental toxins.


  • Innate immunity: Mnemonic: InNate Immunity is Natural, Innate immunity is the body’s first line of defense against pathogens and is present from birth.

  • Acquired immunity: Mnemonic: Acquired Immunity is Learned, Acquired immunity is developed over time through exposure to pathogens or vaccination.

  • Humoral immunity: Mnemonic: Humoral Immunity produces Antibodies, Humoral immunity involves the production of antibodies by B cells to neutralize pathogens.

  • Cell-mediated immunity: Mnemonic: CMI: Cell-Mediated Immunity to the rescue! Cell-mediated immunity involves the activation of T cells to destroy infected cells and cancerous cells.


  • Active vaccination: Mnemonic: Active Vaccination: Your body Learns to Fight, Active vaccination involves the introduction of a weakened or killed pathogen to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies and memory cells.

  • Passive vaccination: Mnemonic: Passive Vaccination: Get Immediate Protection, Passive vaccination involves the direct introduction of antibodies to provide immediate protection against a pathogen.

  • Herd immunity: Mnemonic: Herd Immunity: Protecting the Vulnerable, Herd immunity refers to the indirect protection of unvaccinated individuals when a large portion of the population is vaccinated, reducing the chances of an outbreak.


  • Types of antibiotics Mnemonic: Penicillin, Cephalosporin, Macrolide, Tetracycline, Fluoroquinolone
  • Mode of action: They kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria by targeting different processes such as cell wall synthesis or protein synthesis.
  • Resistance to antibiotics: Misuse and overuse can lead to antibiotic resistance, where bacteria develop the ability to resist the effects of antibiotics.

Diseases: Typhoid

  • Mnemonic: Salmonella Typhi causes Typhoid, a bacterial infection spread through contaminated food or water, causing fever, headache, and intestinal problems.


  • Mnemonic: Vibrio Cholerae causes Cholera, a bacterial infection spread through contaminated water or food, leading to severe diarrhea and dehydration.


  • Mnemonic: Malaria is spread by Anopheles Mosquitoes, a parasitic infection transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes, causing fever, chills, and fatigue.


  • Mnemonic: Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, a bacterial infection usually affecting the lungs, causing persistent cough, fever, and weight loss.


  • Mnemonic: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, caused by HIV, a retrovirus that attacks the immune system, leading to increased susceptibility to infections and eventually death.

Preventive measures:

  • Personal hygiene: Mnemonic: Personal Hygiene Prevents Pathogens, Washing hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, and maintaining personal cleanliness reduce the risk of pathogen transmission.

  • Sanitation: Mnemonic: Sanitation Stops Spreading, Proper waste disposal, clean water supply, and food safety measures help control pathogen transmission.

  • Public health measures: Mnemonic: Public Health Measures Make a difference, Vaccination campaigns, surveillance, quarantine, and education about infectious diseases help prevent outbreaks and protect public health.