Application Of Biotechnology In Agriculture

Key Concepts for Biotechnology in Agriculture

Genetically Modified Crops

  • Crops developed through genetic engineering to improve traits.

Bt Cotton

  • Engineered with a Bt gene from Bacillus thuringiensis for insect resistance.

Bt Brinjal

  • Modified brinjal with Bt gene for pest resistance.

Herbicide-resistant Crops

  • Crops engineered to withstand specific herbicides for easy weed control.

Golden Rice

  • Genetically enhanced rice enriched with beta-carotene to combat Vitamin A deficiency.

RNA Interference

  • Regulatory process that uses small RNA molecules to silence gene expression.


  • Mobile DNA sequences that can jump to different positions within the genome.

Gene Expression

  • The process by which the information encoded in DNA is utilized to direct protein synthesis.

Genetic Engineering

  • Manipulation of genetic material to introduce desired traits.

Tissue Culture

  • Growing plant tissues in a sterile controlled environment.


  • Rapid plant multiplication through tissue culture techniques.

Somatic Embryogenesis

  • Generating whole plants from somatic cells rather than seeds.

Cry proteins

  • Insecticidal proteins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis.

Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS)

  • Technology that utilizes DNA markers to identify desirable genes.

Transgenic plants

  • Plants that have foreign genes from other species inserted into their genome.

Biolistics/Gene Gun Method

  • A technique to deliver genetic material directly into cells using a “gene gun.”

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  • Naturally occurring soil bacteria with the ability to transfer DNA to plants.

Ti plasmid

  • A plasmid in Agrobacterium that contains genes responsible for DNA transfer.

Binary Vectors

  • Recombinant plasmids designed for efficient gene transfer in Agrobacterium.

Expression vectors

  • Vectors carrying genes of interest with appropriate regulatory elements for gene expression.

Reporter genes

  • Genes used as markers in genetic studies, enabling the detection of gene expression.

Remember these key concepts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the application of biotechnology in agriculture. Regularly revise and reinforce your knowledge to excel in your JEE and CBSE board exams.