
1 : Lewis Structures
  • Lewis structures are diagrams that represent the bonding and valence electron distribution in a molecule or ion.
  • Octet Rule: Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a stable configuration with eight valence electrons.
2 : Formal Charge (FC)
  • Formula: FC = Valence Electrons - (Number of Bonds + Number of Lone Electrons)
  • A more balanced distribution of formal charges is preferred in Lewis structures.
3 : VSEPR Theory (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion)
  • VSEPR predicts the molecular geometry based on the repulsion between electron pairs around the central atom.
  • Common molecular geometries: Tetrahedral, Trigonal Planar, Linear, Bent, Trigonal Pyramidal.
4 : Bond Polarity
  • Electronegativity (EN) is the measure of an atom’s ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond.
  • Nonpolar Covalent Bond: EN difference < 0.5
  • Polar Covalent Bond: EN difference between 0.5 and 2.0
  • Ionic Bond: EN difference > 2.0
5 : Hybridization
  • Hybridization theory explains the mixing of atomic orbitals to form hybrid orbitals for bonding.
  • Common hybridization states: sp³, sp², sp.
6 : Molecular Orbital Theory
  • Molecular orbitals are formed by the overlap of atomic orbitals. The theory predicts the electronic structure of molecules.
  • Bond Order (BO) = (Number of Bonding Electrons - Number of Antibonding Electrons) / 2
  • BO > 0: Stable molecule, BO = 0: Non-existent molecule, BO < 0: Unstable molecule
7 : Molecular Orbital Theory
  • Dipole moment (μ) measures the polarity of a molecule.
  • Formula: μ = charge (Q) × distance between charges (r)
  • Direction: From the positive to the negative charge.
8 : Resonance
  • Resonance occurs when multiple Lewis structures can be drawn for a molecule.
  • Resonance hybrid: A combination of all resonance structures.
  • Delocalized electrons: Electrons that are not localized to one bond.
9 : Resonance
  • Occurs when a hydrogen atom is bonded to a highly electronegative atom (O, N, F) and is attracted to another electronegative atom’s lone pair.
  • Important in water (H₂O), ammonia (NH₃), and biological molecules.
10 : Ionic Compounds
  • Ionic compounds form between metals and non-metals through the transfer of electrons.
  • Formula: Cation (metal) followed by Anion (non-metal).
11 : Lattice Energy
  • Lattice energy is the energy required to separate ions in an ionic compound.
  • It increases with smaller ion size and higher charge magnitude.
12 : Allotropy
  • Allotropy refers to different structural forms of the same element in the same physical state.
  • Examples: Carbon (diamond, graphite), oxygen (O₂, O₃).
13 : Metallic Bonding
  • In metallic bonding, a “sea of electrons” holds metal ions together.
  • Delocalized electrons contribute to properties like electrical conductivity and malleability.
14 : Solubility Rules

Memorize common solubility rules for ionic compounds to predict their solubility in water.

15 : Chemical Reactions

Understand how chemical bonds are broken and formed in chemical reactions, leading to the formation of new compounds.