
Flower Structure:

  • Four primary whorls: Calyx, Corolla, Androecium, Gynoecium.

Whorls of a Flower:

  • Calyx: Outermost, has sepals.
  • Corolla: Second, has petals.
  • Androecium: Third, has stamens.
  • Gynoecium: Innermost, has carpels/pistils.

Reproductive Organs:

  • Androecium: Produces pollen.
  • Gynoecium: Contains ovules.

Parts of a Flower:

  • Sepals: Protective, in the calyx.
  • Petals: Attractive, in the corolla.
  • Stamens: Male reproductive.
  • Carpel/Pistil: Female reproductive.
  • Ovules: Contain female gametes.


  • Valvate: Overlapping but not touching.
  • Twisted: Overlapping with one margin inside.
  • Imbricate: Partial overlapping.
  • Vexillary: Banner, wings, and keel.
  • Quincuncial: Five elements with two outer and three inner.

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