Concepts and formula to Remember

Fertilization in Flowering Plants:

  • Unique and essential process in angiosperms.
  • Involves fusion of male and female gametes, forming a zygote and endosperm.
  • Begins with pollination and ends with seed development and fruit formation.

Entry of Pollen Tube into Ovule:

  • Critical step in fertilization.
  • Pollen germination and tube growth.
  • Micropyle entry, penetration, and guidance by synergid cells.
  • Leads to egg cell and central cell fertilization.

Double Fertilization:

  • Unique to angiosperms.
  • Two sperm cells from pollen fuse with different female gametophyte cells.
  • Forms a diploid zygote and triploid endosperm.
  • Essential for seed development.

Development of the Endosperm:

  • Nourishing tissue for embryo.
  • Originates from the triploid nucleus.
  • Involves mitotic divisions, cellularization, and nutrient accumulation.
  • Functions as a nutrient reserve for embryo growth.

Stages in Cellular Endosperm Development:

  • Initiation of endosperm with a triploid nucleus.
  • Mitotic divisions leading to syncytium.
  • Cellularization forming individual cells.
  • Cell expansion, nutrient accumulation, and maturation.
  • Nutrient reservoir for embryo.

Stages in Helobial Endosperm Development:

  • Triploid primary endosperm nucleus formation.
  • Free nuclear divisions, forming a coenocyte.
  • Cell wall formation within the coenocyte.
  • Cell expansion, nutrient accumulation, and maturation.
  • Nutrient reservoir for embryo.
  • Fate of helobial endosperm varies among grass species.

Steps in development of Embryo in Dicot Plants:

  1. Fertilization: It begins with the fusion of sperm and egg cells, forming a diploid zygote and initiating embryo development.

  2. Zygote Division: The zygote divides into the terminal cell (forms most of the embryo) and the basal cell (involved in suspensor formation).

  3. Suspensor Formation: The suspensor connects the embryo to maternal tissues, aiding nutrient uptake.

  4. Embryo Proper: It includes the radicle (embryonic root), hypocotyl, cotyledons (usually two), and plumule (embryonic shoot).

  5. Storage Reserves: Nutrient storage occurs in cotyledons or other regions, supporting seedling growth.

  6. Maturation: Prepares the embryo for dormancy inside the seed.

  7. Seed Coat Formation: Provides protection to the embryo.

  8. Dormancy: Many dicots enter dormancy within the seed until suitable germination conditions.

  9. Germination: Resumption of growth under favorable conditions.

Steps in development of Embryo in Monocot Plants:

  1. Fertilization: Same as dicots, forming a zygote and initiating embryo development.

  2. Zygote Division: Divides into apical cell (forms most of the embryo) and basal cell (involved in suspensor).

  3. Suspensor Formation: Multicellular suspensor connects embryo to maternal tissues.

  4. Embryo Proper: Includes radicle, cotyledon(s) (usually one), and plumule.

  5. Storage Reserves: Nutrients accumulate in cotyledon(s) or other regions.

  6. Maturation: Prepares the embryo for dormancy.

  7. Seed Coat Formation: Protects the embryo.

  8. Dormancy: Enter dormancy within the seed.

  9. Germination: Resumption of growth under favorable conditions.

Steps in development of Seed:

  1. Fertilization: Begins with pollination and double fertilization, forming a seed.

  2. Ovary Enlargement: The ovary grows and develops into the fruit.

  3. Seed Development: The embryo and endosperm (if present) develop within the ovule.

  4. Pericarp Development: The fruit’s ovary wall undergoes changes.

  5. Fruit Growth: The fruit enlarges as cells divide or expand.

  6. Fruit Ripening: Complex biochemical changes alter color, texture, and flavor.

  7. Dispersal: Mechanisms (wind, animals, water) distribute mature seeds.

  8. Germination: Seeds sprout when conditions are favorable.

Steps in seed Germination:

  1. Imbibition: Seeds absorb water, activating enzymes.

  2. Activation of Enzymes: Water activates enzymes that break down stored nutrients.

  3. Radicle Emergence: The embryonic root emerges first, followed by the shoot.

  4. Growth of Plumule: The shoot elongates and develops into leaves and stems.

  5. Cotyledon Function: In dicots, cotyledons provide nutrients until photosynthesis begins.

  6. Photosynthesis: Seedling becomes self-sufficient through photosynthesis.

  7. Establishment: Seedling grows into a mature plant.

Steps in development of Fruits:

  1. Fertilization: Fruit development starts with ovule fertilization.

  2. Ovary Enlargement: The ovary grows and becomes the fruit.

  3. Seed Development: Embryo and endosperm form within the ovule.

  4. Pericarp Development: The fruit’s ovary wall changes.

  5. Fruit Growth: The fruit enlarges due to cell division or expansion.

  6. Fruit Ripening: Biochemical changes alter color, texture, and flavor, attracting animals.

  7. Dehiscence or Indehiscence: Fruits may split open or remain closed at maturity.

  8. Seed Dispersal: Various mechanisms disperse seeds (wind, animals, water).


  1. Asexual Reproduction: Seeds produced without fertilization, resulting in genetic clones.

  2. Types of Apomixis: Agamospermy, apospory, and parthenogenesis are different forms.

  3. Clonal Offspring: Offspring are genetically identical to the parent plant.

  4. Reproductive Advantages: Apomixis can be advantageous in specific environments.

  5. Common in Some Plant Families: Found in grasses, dandelions, and certain citrus species.

  6. Applications in Agriculture: Studied for crop improvement and genetic stability.

  7. Seed Production: Apomixis allows for predictable seed production.

  8. Genetic Diversity: Apomixis does not contribute to genetic diversity.