

  • Process of perceiving visual stimuli through the eyes.

  • Eye structures: cornea, lens, retina, optic nerve.

  • Light enters, focused on the retina.

  • Rods and cones in retina detect light.

  • Signals sent via optic nerve to the visual cortex for processing.


  • Perception of sound.

  • Ear parts: external ear, middle ear, inner ear.

  • Sound waves enter ear canal, vibrate eardrum.

  • Ossicles transmit vibrations to cochlea.

  • Hair cells in cochlea convert vibrations to electrical signals.

  • Signals transmitted to auditory cortex via auditory nerve.

The Basilar Membrane:

  • Part of the cochlea.

  • Vibrates in response to sound waves.

  • High-frequency sounds vibrate near the base; low-frequency sounds near the apex.

  • Allows perception of different pitches.

The Organ of Corti:

  • Structure within the cochlea.

  • Contains hair cells.

  • Converts mechanical vibrations into electrical signals.

  • Specific arrangement along the basilar membrane for perceiving different frequencies.

The Vestibular Apparatus:

  • Located in the inner ear.

  • Responsible for balance and spatial orientation.

  • Includes semicircular canals and otolith organs.

  • Detects changes in head position and movement.

The Somatic Senses:

  • Include touch, temperature, pain, proprioception.

  • Sensory receptors in skin and muscles.

  • Detect and transmit signals to the brain.

  • Different receptors for various stimuli (pressure, temperature, pain).

Olfaction (The Sense Of Smell):

  • Detects odor molecules in the air.

  • Specialized olfactory receptors in the nasal cavity.

  • Signals sent to the olfactory bulb in the brain.

  • Crucial for taste perception and emotions.

Gustation (The Sense Of Taste):

  • Involves taste buds on the tongue and in the mouth.

  • Taste receptor cells respond to different tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami).

  • Signals integrated with other sensory information in the brain for flavor perception.

Table of Contents