
Transport of Gases and Respiration Regulation:

Gas Exchange in Lungs: Oxygen is inhaled, and carbon dioxide is exhaled in the lungs.

Oxygen Transport: Oxygen binds to hemoglobin, carried by blood to body tissues.

Circulation and Cellular Respiration: Oxygen is released in tissues for energy production, generating carbon dioxide.

Carbon Dioxide Transport: Carbon dioxide enters the blood, mostly as bicarbonate ions, and is transported back to the lungs.

Regulation of Respiration: Brainstem control centers monitor O2, CO2, and pH levels, adjusting breathing rate and depth to maintain balance.

Sensors and Feedback: Chemoreceptors and lung stretch receptors provide constant feedback.

Voluntary Control and Adaptation: Breathing can be consciously controlled, and it adapts to activity, stress, and altitude changes to meet oxygen needs.

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