Concepts and formula to Remember

Key Points for Transcription


  • Definition: Transcription is the process of copying genetic information from DNA to RNA.
  • Location: It occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic Chromosomes

  • Eukaryotic chromosomes are thread-like structures found in the nucleus.
  • They contain genetic information in the form of DNA.
  • Eukaryotes have multiple linear chromosomes.

RNA Polymerase

  • RNA polymerase is an enzyme responsible for transcription.
  • It binds to the promoter region of DNA.
  • It synthesizes an RNA molecule complementary to the DNA template strand.
  • RNA polymerase III catalize transcription of tRNA, 5 srRNA and snRNA.

Promoter of Protein-Coding Region DNA

  • The promoter is a specific DNA sequence.
  • It is located upstream (towards the 5’ end) of the gene’s coding region.
  • It’s the recognition site for RNA polymerase and transcription factors.

Transcription Initiation

  • It’s the first step of transcription.
  • RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region.
  • It initiates unwinding of the DNA double helix.

Production of Mature mRNA

  • After transcription, pre-mRNA undergoes processing:
    1. Capping: Addition of a 7-methylguanosine cap at the 5’ end.
    2. Polyadenylation: Addition of a poly-A tail at the 3’ end.
    3. Splicing: Removal of introns and joining of exons.

Steps of Pre-mRNA Processing

  • Pre-mRNA processing includes capping, polyadenylation, and splicing.
  • These steps are crucial for producing functional mature mRNA.

Expressed Sequence Tags

  • Expressed Sequence Tags or ESTs are genes that are expressed as RNA in the body. ESTs represent portions of expressed genes. They may be represented as either cDNA/mRNA sequence or as the reverse complement of the mRNA, the template strand.

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