

Multidisciplinary field combining biology and technology.

Manipulates living organisms for useful products and processes.

Addresses challenges in agriculture, medicine, healthcare, and the environment.

Human Population Growth:

Global population increase affects resources, food, healthcare, and the environment.

Need of Biotechnology:

Solutions for challenges: food production, medicines, healthcare, and environment.

Biotechnology Products:

Examples: GM crops, insulin from engineered bacteria, biotechnological vaccines.

How Biotechnology Contributes:

Improved agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.

Promotes sustainable practices.

Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge in biology, genetics, microbiology, and lab techniques.

Develops problem-solving skills and ethical awareness.

Principles of Biotechnology:

Genetic information manipulation.

Utilization of microorganisms.

DNA technology as a fundamental principle.

Genetic Engineering:

Alteration of DNA to introduce desired traits.

Applications in agriculture, medicine, and industry.

Downstream Processing:

Purification and recovery of biotechnological products.

Includes filtration, centrifugation, chromatography, and drying.

Table of Contents