
Ethical Issues:

  • Ethical issues in biotechnology involve moral dilemmas related to gene manipulation and living organisms.

  • Concerns include potential risks, unintended consequences, equitable benefits, and the rights of affected individuals and communities.


  • Turmeric is a spice with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties used in traditional medicine.

  • Debates about biopiracy occur when turmeric-based formulations are patented without acknowledging traditional uses.

The Problem of Food Security:

  • Food security concerns availability, access, and utilization of safe, nutritious food.

  • Biotechnology addresses this through GM crops resistant to pests, diseases, and adverse conditions.

Benefits of GM Crops:

  • GM crops enhance resistance, reduce pesticides, increase yields, and improve nutrition.

  • They contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture.

Health Risks of GM Crops:

  • Concerns include allergic reactions, unintended effects, and antibiotic resistance markers.

  • Safety assessments and regulations mitigate risks.

Pharmaceutical Products:

  • Genetic engineering produces pharmaceuticals cost-effectively.

  • It revolutionizes the industry using genetically engineered organisms.

Ethics of Disease Prevention:

  • Ethics relate to genetic testing, counseling, and disease prevention interventions.

  • Dilemmas arise in decision-making and the use of genetic information.

Patenting Traditional Knowledge:

  • Issues revolve around appropriating indigenous or traditional knowledge.

  • It includes patenting plants, medicines, or techniques without recognizing or benefiting source communities.


  • Biopiracy involves unethical appropriation of biological resources or knowledge from indigenous communities.

  • It raises questions about equitable benefit-sharing and respect for traditional knowledge.


  • Neem is a medicinal tree from India known for pesticidal, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties.

  • Concerns about biopiracy arise due to patenting neem-derived products without recognizing traditional uses.

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