

Defense against pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi).

Innate and acquired components.

Crucial for preventing infections and fighting diseases.


Signaling proteins during viral infections.

Alert neighboring cells.

Activate antiviral defenses.

Limit viral spread.

Cells of Acquired Immunity:

B cells produce antibodies.

T cells have various immune functions.

Specific and targeted defense.


Produced by B cells.

Bind to antigens (foreign substances).

Neutralize and mark pathogens for destruction.

Essential in clearing infections.

Cell-Mediated Immunity:

Mediated by T cells.

Recognize and attack infected cells.

Produce cytokines.

Coordinate immune response.

Active vs. Passive Immunity:

Active: Immune response to antigen, long-lasting.

Passive: Transfer of pre-formed antibodies or cells, immediate but temporary.


Preventive measure.

Introduce harmless antigens.

Stimulate immune system.

Forms memory for future protection.

Crucial for disease control and prevention.

Table of Contents