Data Interpretation Ques 72


Directions : Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow :

Number of Students studying in Six Different Colleges over the years

College $\mathbf{P}$ $\mathbf{Q}$ $\mathbf{R}$ $\mathbf{S}$ $\mathbf{T}$ $\mathbf{U}$
$\mathbf{2 0 0 4}$ 2500 2250 2450 2150 2020 2300
$\mathbf{2 0 0 5}$ 2040 2300 2400 2200 2090 2120
$\mathbf{2 0 0 6}$ 2100 2150 2330 2250 2180 2260
$\mathbf{2 0 0 7}$ 2280 2600 2260 2340 2250 2490
$\mathbf{2 0 0 8}$ 2540 2540 2120 2380 2310 2520
$\mathbf{2 0 0 9}$ 2320 2440 2500 2480 2400 2440

What is the average number of students in all the Colleges together in the year 2004 ? (rounded off to the nearest integer)

(1) 2208

(2) 2196

(3) 2144

(4) 2324

(5) 2278

Show Answer

Answer: (5)

Solution: (5)

Required average $ = 2500+2250+2450+2150 =\frac{+2020+2300}{6} $ $=\frac{13670}{6} \approx 2278$

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