Data Interpretation Ques 66


Directions : Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Total number of students appeared and qualified from various schools at a Scholarship Exam

The number of students appeared for the Scholarship exam from School D are approximately what percent of the total number of students appeared for the exam from all the schools together?

(1) $12 \%$

(2) $24 \%$

(3) $29 \%$

(4) $18 \%$

(5) $8 \%$

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Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Total number of students appeared for the exam $=3000+2250+3250+2500+$ $3000=14000$

$\therefore$ Required percentage $=\frac{2500}{14000} \times 100 \approx 18 \% $

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