Data Interpretation Ques 47


Directions : Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow:

Number of employees working in four different companies in five different years

Years Company
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
2004 200 400 250 450 350 600 400 450
2005 250 150 400 100 550 350 550 600
2006 400 250 850 400 350 500 650 450
2007 650 400 500 150 650 500 700 600
2008 750 300 600 350 400 300 650 400

Total number of male employees working in company-C over all the years together was approximately what percentage of total number of employees working in the year 2007 in all the companies together?

(1) $41 \%$

(2) $46 \%$

(3) $51 \%$

(4) $55 \%$

(5) $59 \%$

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Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Total number of employees in the year 2007 $=1050+650+1150+1300$ $=4150$

Total number of male employees in company $C$ over the years

$=350+550+350+650+400$ $=2300$

$\therefore$ Required percentage $=\frac{2300}{4150} \times 100 \approx 55 \%$

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