Data Interpretation Ques 425


Directions : Study the following graph carefully to answer the given questions.

If the amount of profit earned by potter B in the year 1996 is Rs. 40500 , then what was the selling price of all the pots in that year?

(1) Rs. 130500

(2) Rs. 206200

(3) Rs. 144500

(4) Rs. 187500

(5) Rs. 135600

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Correct Answer: (1)

Solution: (1)

Let total C.P. be Rs. $x$.

Profit $=45 \%$

$\therefore x \times \frac{45}{100}=40500$

$\Rightarrow x=\frac{40500 \times 100}{45}$ $=$ Rs. 90000

$\therefore \quad$ Required S.P. $=$ C.P. + Profit $=$ Rs. $(90000+40500)$ $=$ Rs. 130500

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