Data Interpretation Ques 424


Directions : Study the following graph carefully to answer the given questions.

If potter A sold 3650 pots in the year 1999 at the price of Rs. 12 per pot, what is the cost price of all pots together?

(1) Rs. 26700

(2) Rs. 28500

(3) Rs. 25300

(4) Rs. 28200

(5) Rs. 29200

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Correct Answer: (5)

Solution: (5)

Total S.P. $=$ Rs. $(3650 \times 12)$ $=$ Rs. 43800

Profit per cent $=50 \%$

$\therefore$ Required C.P. $=$ Rs. $\left(\frac{100}{150} \times 43800\right)$ = Rs. 29200

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