Data Interpretation Ques 42


Directions : Study the following pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow:

Percentage break-up of number of children in five different villages and breakup of children attending school from those villages

Total Number of Children $\mathbf{=} \mathbf{2 0 4 0}$

Total Children attending School $=\mathbf{1 4 5 0}$

What is the total number of children not attending school from village $M$ and $N$ together?

(1) 69

(2) 56

(3) 76

(4) 63

(5) None of these

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Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Number of children in villages $M$ and $N$ together $=\frac{2040 \times 35}{100}=714$

Number of children attending school from villages $M$ and $N$ together$=\frac{1450 \times 44}{100}=638$

$\therefore$ Required answer $=714-638$ $=76$

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