Data Interpretation Ques 406


Directions : Read the following graph carefully and answer the given questions.

Note : Maximum marks : Science - 150; Mathematics-150; English-100

What is the average of the percentage marks scored by Amit in all three subjects together and percentage marks scored by Aarti in three subjects together?

(1) $56 \%$

(2) $65 \%$

(3) $70 \%$

(4) $68 \%$

(5) None of the above

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Amit’s total marks $=130+110+50=290$

Percentage of marks $=\frac{290}{400} \times 100=72.5 \%$

Aarti’s total marks $=90+80+60=230$

Percentage of marks $=\frac{230}{400} \times 100=57.5 \%$

$\therefore$ Required average $=\frac{72.5+57.5}{2}=\frac{130}{2}$ $=65 \%$

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