Data Interpretation Ques 405


Directions : Read the following graph carefully and answer the given questions.

Note : Maximum marks : Science - 150; Mathematics-150; English-100

What is the difference between average marks scored by all five students in Mathematics and average marks scored by all five students in Science?

(1) 8

(2) 9

(3) 6

(4) 12

(5) 15

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Average marks of all the five students in :

Mathematics $\Rightarrow \frac{90+140+120+110+80}{5}$ $=\frac{540}{5}=108$

Science $\Rightarrow \frac{80+120+90+130+90}{5}$ $=\frac{510}{5}=102$

Required difference $=108-102=6$

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