Data Interpretation Ques 404


Directions : Read the following graph carefully and answer the given questions.

Note : Maximum marks : Science - 150; Mathematics-150; English-100

What is the difference between the percentage of marks scored by Kavita in the given three subjects together and the percentage of marks scored by Raghav in the given three subjects together?

(1) $12 \%$

(2) $16 \%$

(3) $18 \%$

(4) $10 \%$

(5) $15 \%$

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Correct Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Kavita’s total marks $=120+140+70=330$

Percentage of marks $=\frac{330}{400} \times 100=82.5 \%$

Raghav’s total marks $=90+120+80=290$

Percentage of marks $=\frac{290}{400} \times 100=72.5 \%$

Required difference $=(82.5-72.5) \%=10 \%$

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