Data Interpretation Ques 393


Directions : The following radar diagram show the number of new companies registered in four countries in various years. Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below.

In which of the following country, the average number of companies registered is the maximum comparatively?

(1) Japan

(2) China

(3) Germany

(4) France

(5) None of these

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Average number in France $=\frac{170000}{4}=42,500$

Average number in Germany $=\frac{125000}{4}=31,250$

Average number in Japan $=\frac{230000}{4}=57,500$

Average number in China $=\frac{240000}{4}=60,000$

So, the average number in China is the maximum

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