Data Interpretation Ques 378


Directions : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

There are 450 coupons which can be used in Pedicure and Hair cutting. Ratio between males to females who use their coupons in Hair cutting is 13 $: 7$. The number of males who use their coupons in Pedicure is 72 more than the number of females who use their coupons in Hair cutting. Total number of males who use their coupons in Pedicure and Haircutting together is 174 more than total number of females who use their coupons in Pedicure and Haircutting together.

Find the respective ratio between total number of persons who use their coupons in Pedicure to total number of persons who use their coupons in Haircutting?

(1) $52: 23$

(2) None of those given as options

(3) $8: 9$

(4) $8: 7$

(5) $7: 8$

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Correct Answer: (5)

Solution: (5)

Required ratio $=(156+138-84):(156+84)$ $=210: 240=7:8$

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