Data Interpretation Ques 354


Directions : Study the bar graph and answer the given questions.

Number of hats sold by Seller A and Seller B on give days :

The total number of hats sold by $A$ and $B$ together on Wednesday is how much per cent more than the number of hats sold by $A$ and $B$ together on Tuesday?

(1) $15 \frac{2}{3} \%$

(2) $8 \frac{1}{3} \%$

(3) $16 \frac{2}{5} \%$

(4) $16 \frac{2}{3} \%$

(5) $21 \frac{3}{7} \%$

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Correct Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Hats sold by both sellers on Wednesday $=64+48=112$

Hats sold by both sellers on Tuesday $=36+60=96$

$\therefore$ Required per cent $=\left(\frac{112-96}{96}\right) \times 100$ $=\frac{1600}{96}=\frac{50}{3}=16 \frac{2}{3} \%$

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