Data Interpretation Ques 341


Directions : Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Number of students and % of students passed out of those who appeared are given for two subjects from year 2001 to 2005 in a college XYZ.

Year Statistics Economics
Number of
% of students
passed out of
the appeared
Number of
% of students
passed out of
the appeared
2001 2200 $45 \%$ 4200 $40 \%$
2002 2700 $55 \%$ 3800 $45 \%$
2003 2500 $35 \%$ 2600 $60 \%$
2004 3200 $65 \%$ 4800 $55 \%$
2005 4800 $60 \%$ 2200 $50 \%$

The total number of female passengers on Tuesday and Wednesday together was what per cent less than the total number of passengers (both male and female) on Friday?

(1) 35

(2) 20

(3) 30

(4) 32

(5) 28

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Number of female passengers :

Tuesday $\Rightarrow 160-90=70$

Wednesday $=150-80=70$

Their sum $=70+70=140$

Total number of passengers on Friday $=200$

$\therefore$ Required per cent $=\left(\frac{200-140}{200}\right) \times 100$ $=\frac{60}{2}=30 \%$

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