Data Interpretation Ques 334


Directions : Read the given pie chart carefully to answer the questions given below it.

Percentage distribution of books by publisher ’ $\mathbf{X Y Z}$ ’ in 5 different stores
Total number of books $=\mathbf{5 5 0}$

Find the central angle corresponding to the books distributed to store D?

(1) $117.5^{\circ}$

(2) $115.2^{\circ}$

(3) $112.8^{\circ}$

(4) $108.5^{\circ}$

(5) $118.8^{\circ}$

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Corresponding percentage of store $D=32 \%$

$\because 100 \% = 360^{\circ}$

$\therefore 32 \% = \frac{360}{100} \times 32=115.2^{\circ}$

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