Data Interpretation Ques 333


Directions : Read the given pie chart carefully to answer the questions given below it.

Percentage distribution of books by publisher ’ $\mathbf{X Y Z}$ ’ in 5 different stores
Total number of books $=\mathbf{5 5 0}$

If the number of females who bought the books in store $E$ is 21 more than the number of males who bought books from the same store, what is the number of females who bought books in store $E$ ?

(1) 75

(2) 78

(3) 71

(4) 68

(5) 73

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Number of books distribut-

ed to store $E=\frac{550 \times 22}{100}=121$

If the number of women who bought books be $x$, then

$ x+x-21=121 $

$\Rightarrow 2 x=121+21=142$

$\Rightarrow x=\frac{142}{2}=71$

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