Data Interpretation Ques 33


Directions : The following bar graph shows the percentage of jobs available in the countries $X, Y$ and $Z$ in different years. Study the bar graph and answer the questions given below.

The total jobs in 2015 were three times the total jobs in country $Z$ in 2016 and also the total jobs in country $X$ in the year 2015 were 5670 . The total jobs in country X in the year 2015 were how much per cent more than the total jobs in country $Z$ in the year 2016 ?

(1) $7 \%$

(2) $7.5 \%$

(3) $10 \%$

(4) $5 \%$

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Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Total jobs in country $X$ in 2015 $=5670=35 \%$

$\therefore$ Total jobs in 2015 $=5670 \times \frac{100}{35}=16200$

$\therefore$ Total jobs in country $Z$ in $2016=\frac{16200}{3}=5400$

Required percentage $=\left(\frac{5670-5400}{5400}\right) \times 100$ $=\frac{270}{54}=5 \%$

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