Data Interpretation Ques 318


Directions : Refer to the pie charts and answer the given questions.

Distribution of number of bags (of domestic and international brands) sold by 5 stores in 2010 :

Total number : 2700

Distribution of number of bags of international brands sold by 5 stores in 2010

Total number : 1200

Number of bags of international brands sold by stores B and E increased by $20 \%$ and $25 \%$ respectively from 2010 to 2011. In 2011 , if the respective ratio between total number of bags of international brands sold by stores B and E together and that of domestic brands sold by same stores together was $13: 21$, what was the total number of bags of domestic brands sold by stores B and E together in 2011 ?

(1) 588

(2) 609

(3) 567

(4) 580

(5) 540

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Number of international brands sold in 2011 :

Store $B \Rightarrow 1200 \times \frac{15}{100} \times \frac{120}{100}=216$

Store $E \Rightarrow 1200 \times \frac{9}{100} \times \frac{125}{100}=135$

Total bags sold $=216+135=351$

$\therefore \quad$ Number of domestic brand bags sold $=\frac{21}{13} \times 351=567$

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