Data Interpretation Ques 298


Directions : Study the following graph to answer the given questions.

The strength of the school increased from 2008 to 2009 by what per cent?

(1) $1.7 \%$

(2) $1.8 \%$

(3) $1.9 \%$

(4) $2.0 \%$

(5) $1.6 \%$

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Correct Answer: (1)

Solution: (1)

Total student strength in $2007=3000+100=3100$

Total student strength in 2008 $=3100-150=2950$

Total student strength in 2009 $=2950+50=3000$

Required percentage increase $=\left(\frac{3000-2950}{2950}\right) \times 100$ $=\frac{500}{295}=1.7 \%$

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