Data Interpretation Ques 294


Directions : Refer to the pie chart carefully and answer the given questions :

Percentage of bags available in different stores in November, 2011 Total number of bags available in all the stores together is 800 :

In November, $\frac{1}{12}$ of the available bags in store $Q$ remained unsold and $\frac{3}{16}$ of the available bags in store $T$ remained unsold. How many bags were sold by stores $Q$ and $T$ together in November?

(1) 246

(2) 254

(3) 248

(4) 252

(5) 268

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Number of bags available in November :

Store $Q \Rightarrow \frac{800 \times 24}{100}=192$

Bags sold $\Rightarrow \frac{192 \times 11}{12}=176$

Store $T \Rightarrow \frac{800 \times 12}{100}=96$

Bags sold $\Rightarrow 96 \times \frac{13}{16}=78$

Required answer $=176+78$ $=254$

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