Data Interpretation Ques 277


Directions : Refer to the following pie chart and answer the given questions :

Percentage of bags available in different stores in July :

Total number of bags available in all stores together is 600

In September, the total number of bags available in all the stores together was 90 more than that available in July. What was the per cent increase in the total number of bags available in all the stores together from July to September?

(1) 10

(2) 12

(3) 20

(4) 18

(5) 15

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Correct Answer: (5)

Solution: (5)

Total number of available bags in July $=600$

Total number of available bags in September $=690$

$\therefore$ Required per cent $=\left(\frac{690-600}{600}\right) \times 100$ $=\frac{90}{6}=15 \%$

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