Data Interpretation Ques 266


Directions : Refer to the graph and answer the given questions.

As compared to Thursday, the number of tickets sold on Friday by website $X$ increased by $40 \%$ and those sold by website $Y$ increased by $30 \%$. What was the total number of tickets sold by both the websites together on Friday?

(1) 380

(2) 370

(3) 340

(4) 420

(5) 450

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Tickets sold on Friday :

Website $X \Rightarrow \frac{150 \times 140}{100}=210$

Website $Y \Rightarrow \frac{100 \times 130}{100}=130$

$\therefore$ Required answer $=210+130=340$

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