Data Interpretation Ques 261


Directions : Study the following table and answer the given questions.

Data regarding number of students studying in various streams in various Universities (St. Christ, P.D. and Kelly), in the year 2012

Universities St. Christ P.D. Kelly
Streams Total students Female
Total students Female
Total students Females
A 3000 1800 2800 1200 2000 1500
B 1800 600 1400 800 1200 900
C 1200 500 1600 500 900 300
D 600 250 400 180 500 260
Please note $:$ Total students $=$ Female students + Male students

Total number of males studying in stream $D$ in all the universities together in 2013, were 1190 more than that in the year 2012. In 2013, what was the total number of students (Male + Female) studying in stream D in all the universities together, if the total number of male students in stream D in 2013, constituted $\frac{4}{7}$ of the total number of students?

(1) 3200

(2) 3300

(3) 3400

(4) 3500

(5) 3800

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Correct Answer: (4)

Solution: (4)

Total male students in stream D in 2012

$=(600-250)+(400-180)+ (500-260)=350+220+240=810$

$\therefore$ Total male students in stream D in $2013=810+1190$ $=2000$

$\therefore$ Required number of students $=2000 \times \frac{7}{4}=3500$

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