Data Interpretation Ques 246


Directions : Study the following table carefully and answer the given questions.

State Percentage of Population below the poverty line Proportion of Males and Females
Below poverty line Above poverty line
$M : F$ $M: F$
$P$ 35 $5: 6$ $6: 7$
$G$ 25 $3: 5$ $4: 5$
$R$ 24 $1: 2$ $2: 3$
$S$ 19 $3: 2$ $4: 3$
$T$ 15 $5: 3$ $3: 2$

What will be the number of females above poverty line in the State $S$ if it is known that the population of State $S$ is 7 million?

(1) 3 million

(2) 2.13 million

(3) 1.33 million

(4) 5.7 million

(5) 4 million

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Population of state $S$ $=7$ millions

Population above poverty line $=\frac{7 \times 71}{100}=4.97$ millions

$\therefore$ Number of females $=\left(\frac{3}{7} \times 4.97\right)$ millions $=2.13$ millions

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