Data Interpretation Ques 233


Directions : Study the table and answer the given questions.

Data regarding number of books sold in either hard bound or paperback editions and also the categories of books sold in fiction and non-fiction categories by four different shops, in a particular month (February 2015)

Book Shops Respective ratio
between number
of hardbounds
sold and number
of paperbacks sold
Number of
paperbacks sold
out of total
books sold
percentage of fictions
(hardbound +
paperback) sold
out of total
books sold
$A$ $2: 3$ 1200 60
$B$ $1: 5$ 1000 65
$C$ $1: 3$ 600 70
$D$ $3: 5$ 675 75

Note : Total books sold = number of hard bounds + number of paperbacks sold

The number of hard bound editions sold by shop $C$ is what percent less than that sold by shop A?

(1) 90

(2) 50

(3) 75

(4) 70

(5) 80

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Hard bound editions sold by shop C $=\frac{1}{3} \times 600=200$

Hard bound editions sold by shop A $=\frac{2}{3} \times 1200=800$

Required percent $=\frac{800-200}{800} \times 100$ $=\frac{600}{8}=75 \%$

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