Data Interpretation Ques 222


Directions : Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Number of tourists visiting country ’ $X Y Z$ ’ from city A and city B during 6 different months

By what percent approximately is the total number of tourists from city A less than that of all tourists from city B taking all the months together?

(1) $1.5 \%$

(2) $2 \%$

(3) $4 \%$

(4) $3 \%$

(5) $2.5 \%$

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Total tourists from city A $=1410$

Total tourists from city B $=1440$

Required percent $=\frac{1440-1410}{1440} \times 100$ $=\frac{300}{144} \approx 2 \%$

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