Data Interpretation Ques 216


Directions : Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Number of candidates from a state $X$ who apppeared and qualified in a competitive exam during last 5 years.

Years Number of
% of qualified
Respective ratio
of qualified males
and females
2001 - - $5: 3$
2002 750 - $5: 4$
2003 600 $28 \%$ -
2004 - $65 \%$ $8: 5$
2005 1040 $40 \%$ -

In 2003 , a total of 68 male candidates did qualify. What is the respective ratio between males and females who had qualified in 2003 ?

(1) $11: 25$

(2) $19: 25$

(3) $17: 25$

(4) $25: 13$

(5) $13: 19$

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Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Number of qualified candidates in 2003 $=\frac{600 \times 28}{100}=168$

Female candidates $=168-68$ $=100$

$\therefore$ Required ratio $=68: 100$ $=17: 25$

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