Data Interpretation Ques 158

Directions : Study the following pie-chart and the related table carefully to answer the questions given below them.

Percentagewise Distribution of students who are studying M.B.A. in 6 different cities

Total number of students $=\mathbf{9 6 0 0 0}$

Cities Male $:$ Female
Lucknow 5 $:$ 3
Mumbai 4 $:$ 3
Kolkata 5 $:$ 4
Chennai 7 $:$ 5
Delhi 6 $:$ 5
Pune 11 $:$ 5

What is the difference between the number of male students studying in cities Mumbai, Chennai and Delhi and that of female students studying in the same cities?

(1) 7500

(2) 8000

(3) 8500

(4) 7600

(5) 8200

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Correct Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Male students :

Mumbai $\Rightarrow 96000 \times \frac{28}{100} \times \frac{4}{7}$ $=15360$

Chennai $\Rightarrow 96000 \times \frac{20}{100} \times \frac{7}{12}$ $=11200$

Delhi $\Rightarrow 96000 \times \frac{11}{100} \times \frac{6}{11}$ $=5760$

Total male students $=15360+$ $11200+5760=32320$

Female Students :

Mumbai $\Rightarrow 96000 \times \frac{28}{100} \times \frac{3}{7}$ $=11520$

Chennai $\Rightarrow 96000 \times \frac{20}{100} \times \frac{5}{12}$ $=8000$

Delhi $\Rightarrow 96000 \times \frac{11}{100} \times \frac{5}{11}$ $=4800$

Total female students $=11520$ $+8000+4800=24320$

Difference $=32320-24320$ $=8000$

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