Data Interpretation Ques 147

Directions : To answer the questions given below, study the following pie-chart and the table carefully.

Total production of nylon and cotton clothes by 6 companies $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$ and $F$ in the year $2013=84000$

Percentage-wise Distribution

Company Ratio of nylon
and cotton clothes
A $7: 5$
B $5: 7$
C $5: 2$
D $5: 3$
E $4: 3$
F $9: 5$

What is the respective ratio between the number of nylon clothes manufactured by company $A$ and that cotton clothes manufactured by company E?

(1) $49: 27$

(2) $27: 49$

(3) $25: 48$

(4) $48: 25$

(5) None of these

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Correct Answer: (1)

Solution: (1)

Nylon clothes manufactured by company A $=8400 \times \frac{16}{100} \times \frac{7}{12}=784$

Cotton clothes manufactured by company $E$ $=8400 \times \frac{12}{100} \times \frac{3}{7}=432$

Required ratio $=784: 432$ $=49: 27$

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