Data Interpretation Ques 132

Directions : Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow :

Number of Research papers and Articles published by six different scholars (Person) in five different Journals

Journal $\rightarrow$ Edutrack Frontier Educon New Era Eduforms
Person $\downarrow$ Research
Articles Research
Articles Research
Articles Research
Articles Research
Anand 27 45 17 48 42 38 8 12 22 11
Vijay 16 35 6 24 12 4 6 14 38 25
Naidu 26 39 12 32 22 18 2 24 57 35
Mohan 42 75 22 39 62 36 12 16 39 48
Neeta 48 32 28 30 54 49 32 24 44 32
Ronit 13 23 29 21 69 56 19 4 11 18

Who published third highest number of Research papers and Articles together in Eduforms?

(1) Anand

(2) Vijay

(3) Neeta

(4) Mohan

(5) Naidu

Show Answer

Correct Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Research papers and Articles in Eduforms :

Anand $\Rightarrow 22+11=33$

Vijay $\Rightarrow 38+25=63$

Neeta $\Rightarrow 44+32=76$

Mohan $\Rightarrow 39+48=87$

Naidu $\Rightarrow 57+35=92$

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