Data Interpretation Ques 126


Directions : Study the following information and answer the questions that follow :

The premises of a bank are to be renovated. The renovation is in terms of flooring. Certain areas are to be floored either with marble or wood. All rooms/halls and pantry are rectangular. The area to be renovated comprises of a hall for customer transaction measuring $23 m$ by $29 m$, branch manager’s room measuring $13 m$ by $17 m$, a pantry measuring $14 m$ by $13 m$, a record keeping cum server room measuring $21 m$ by $13 m$ and locker area measuring $29 m$ by $21 m$. The total area of the bank is 2000 square meters. The cost of wooden flooring is $ \text{₹} 170$ per square metre and the cost of marble flooring is ₹ 190 per square metre. The locker area, record keeping cum server room and pantry are to be floored with marble. The branch manager’s room and the hall for customer transaction are to be floored with wood. No other area is to be renovated in terms of flooring.

If the four walls and ceiling of the branch manager’s room (The height of the room is 12 metres) are to be painted at the cost of ₹ 190 per square metre, how much will be the total cost of renovation of the branch manager’s room including the cost of flooring?

(1) ₹ $1,36,800$

(2) ₹ $2,16,660$

(3) ₹ $1,78,790$

(4) ₹ $2,11,940$

(5) None of these

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Answer: (5)

Solution: (5)

Area of ceiling and four walls of branch manager’s room

$=13 \times 17+2 \times 12(13+17)$

$=221+720=941$ sq. metre

$\therefore$ Total cost $=941 \times 190+13 \times$ $17 \times 170$

$= \text{₹} (178790+37570)$

$= \text{₹} 216360$

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