Data Interpretation Ques 121


Directions : Study the following pie-chart and table carefully and answer the questions given below :

Percentagewise Distribution of the Number of Mobile Phones Sold by A Shopkeeper During Six Months

Total number of mobile phones sold $\mathbf{=} \mathbf{4 5 0 0 0}$

The respective ratio between the number of mobile phones sold of company $A$ and company $B$ during six months

Month Ratio
July $8: 7$
August $4: 5$
September $3: 2$
October $7: 5$
November $7: 8$
December $7: 9$

If $35 \%$ of the mobile phones sold by company A during November were sold at a discount, how many mobile phones of company A during that month were sold without a discount?

(1) 882

(2) 1635

(3) 1638

(4) 885

(5) None of these

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Answer: (3)

Solution: (3)

Number of mobile phones sold by Company A during November $=45000 \times \frac{12}{100} \times \frac{7}{15}$ $=2520$

$\therefore$ Number of mobile phones sold without discount $=\frac{2520 \times 65}{100}=1638$

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