Data Interpretation Ques 106


Directions : Study the following Pie-chart carefully to answer these questions.

Total number of Passengers in six different trains $=\mathbf{4 8 0 0}$

Percentage wise distribution of Passengers

If cost of one ticket is ₹ 124 , what is the total amount paid by passengers of Train-$B$ ? (Assuming all the passengers purchased ticket and cost of each ticket is equal)

(1) ₹ 53,658

(2) ₹ 53,568

(3) ₹ 53,558

(4) ₹ 53,468

(5) None of these

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Answer: (2)

Solution: (2)

Total amount paid by passengers of train- $B$ $=\frac{124 \times 4800 \times 9}{100}= \text{₹} 53568$

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