Physics Diamagnetism


Diamagnetism is a form of magnetism that occurs in all materials, but it is usually very weak. It is caused by the movement of electrons in response to an applied magnetic field.

How Diamagnetism Works

When a magnetic field is applied to a material, the electrons in the material begin to move in a circular motion. This creates a magnetic field that opposes the applied field. The strength of the diamagnetic field is proportional to the strength of the applied field and the number of electrons in the material.

Materials that are Diamagnetic

All materials are diamagnetic, but some materials are more diamagnetic than others. The most diamagnetic materials are those that have a large number of electrons in their outer shells. These materials include:

  • Bismuth
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Silver

Diamagnetism is a weak form of magnetism that occurs in all materials. It is caused by the movement of electrons in response to an applied magnetic field. Diamagnetism is used in a variety of applications, including maglev trains, MRI machines, and magnetic compasses.

Diamagnetic Materials

Diamagnetism is a form of magnetism that occurs in materials that are repelled by magnetic fields. This is in contrast to paramagnetism, in which materials are attracted to magnetic fields. Diamagnetism is a weak form of magnetism, and it is only observed in materials that have a high electrical conductivity.

Diamagnetic materials are a type of material that is repelled by magnetic fields. They have a negative magnetic susceptibility and a high electrical conductivity. Diamagnetic materials are used in a variety of applications, including maglev trains, MRI machines, and magnetic shielding.

Diamagnetic Material Properties

Diamagnetism is a form of magnetism that occurs in materials that are repelled by magnetic fields. This is in contrast to paramagnetism, in which materials are attracted to magnetic fields. Diamagnetism is a weak form of magnetism, and it is only observed in materials that have a high electrical conductivity.

Properties of Diamagnetic Materials

Diamagnetic materials have the following properties:

  • They are repelled by magnetic fields.
  • They have a high electrical conductivity.
  • They have a low magnetic susceptibility.
  • They do not retain any magnetic properties after the magnetic field is removed.
Applications of Diamagnetic Materials

Diamagnetic materials are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Magnetic levitation (maglev) trains: Diamagnetic materials are used to levitate the trains above the tracks, reducing friction and allowing for high-speed travel.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Diamagnetic materials are used to create the strong magnetic fields that are used in MRI machines.
  • Superconductors: Diamagnetic materials are used to create superconductors, which are materials that conduct electricity with no resistance.
Examples of Diamagnetic Materials

Some examples of diamagnetic materials include:

  • Copper
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Aluminum
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Water
  • Wood
  • Plastic

Diamagnetic materials are a type of material that is repelled by magnetic fields. They have a high electrical conductivity and a low magnetic susceptibility. Diamagnetic materials are used in a variety of applications, including maglev trains, MRI machines, and superconductors.

Langevin’s Theory of Diamagnetism

Diamagnetism is a fundamental magnetic property of materials that arises due to the intrinsic magnetic moments of their constituent atoms or molecules. It is a weak form of magnetism that opposes the applied magnetic field, resulting in a slight reduction in the overall magnetic field strength within the material. The theory of diamagnetism was developed by Paul Langevin in 1905, providing a comprehensive explanation of this phenomenon.

Key Concepts:
  • Magnetic Moment: Every atom or molecule possesses a magnetic moment, which is a vector quantity representing the strength and direction of its magnetic properties. In diamagnetic materials, the magnetic moments of individual atoms or molecules are typically small and randomly oriented.

  • Magnetic Susceptibility: Magnetic susceptibility (χ) is a measure of a material’s response to an applied magnetic field. Diamagnetic materials have a negative magnetic susceptibility, indicating that they oppose the applied field.

Langevin’s Theory:

Langevin’s theory of diamagnetism is based on the assumption that the magnetic moments of atoms or molecules in a diamagnetic material are induced by the applied magnetic field. These induced magnetic moments are directly proportional to the strength of the applied field and are oriented opposite to it.

Mathematically, Langevin’s theory expresses the magnetic susceptibility (χ) of a diamagnetic material as:



  • N represents the number of atoms or molecules per unit volume.
  • μ denotes the magnetic moment of an individual atom or molecule.
  • k symbolizes the Boltzmann constant.
  • T represents the absolute temperature.
Implications and Applications:
  • Langevin’s theory successfully explains the temperature-independent nature of diamagnetism. As temperature increases, the thermal motion of atoms or molecules becomes more vigorous, but the induced magnetic moments remain proportional to the applied field, resulting in a constant magnetic susceptibility.

  • Diamagnetism is a fundamental property used to distinguish between different types of materials. It is particularly useful in characterizing non-magnetic materials and differentiating them from paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substances.

  • Diamagnetic materials find applications in various fields, including:

    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in medical diagnostics.
    • Magnetic levitation (maglev) systems for high-speed transportation.
    • Superconducting materials for efficient energy transmission and storage.

In summary, Langevin’s theory of diamagnetism provides a comprehensive understanding of the magnetic behavior of materials with randomly oriented magnetic moments. It explains the negative magnetic susceptibility, temperature independence, and practical applications of diamagnetic materials in various technological advancements.

Difference between Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism

Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism are three types of magnetism that occur in materials. They are all caused by the movement of electrons within atoms, but they differ in the strength and direction of the magnetic field that is produced.


Diamagnetism is the weakest type of magnetism and is found in all materials. It is caused by the movement of electrons in atoms that are paired together. When these electrons are paired, they cancel out each other’s magnetic fields, so the overall magnetic field of the material is zero.


Paramagnetism is a stronger type of magnetism than diamagnetism and is found in materials that have unpaired electrons. When electrons are unpaired, they create a magnetic field that is proportional to the number of unpaired electrons. The more unpaired electrons a material has, the stronger its paramagnetism will be.


Ferromagnetism is the strongest type of magnetism and is found in materials that have a large number of unpaired electrons that are aligned in the same direction. This alignment creates a strong magnetic field that can be used to attract or repel other magnets.

Table of comparison
Property Diamagnetism Paramagnetism Ferromagnetism
Strength Weakest Stronger than diamagnetism Strongest
Cause Paired electrons Unpaired electrons Aligned unpaired electrons
Examples Copper, silver, gold Aluminum, oxygen, sodium Iron, nickel, cobalt

Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism have a variety of applications in everyday life. Some examples include:

  • Diamagnetism: Diamagnetic materials are used in MRI machines to create a strong magnetic field that can be used to image the inside of the body.
  • Paramagnetism: Paramagnetic materials are used in compasses to align themselves with the Earth’s magnetic field.
  • Ferromagnetism: Ferromagnetic materials are used in magnets, motors, and generators.

Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism are three important types of magnetism that have a variety of applications in everyday life. By understanding the differences between these types of magnetism, we can better understand how they can be used to our advantage.

Uses Of Diamagnetism

Diamagnetism is a type of magnetism that occurs in materials that are repelled by magnetic fields. This property is the opposite of paramagnetism, which occurs in materials that are attracted to magnetic fields. Diamagnetism is a weak form of magnetism, and it is only observed in a few materials, such as copper, silver, and gold.

Despite its weakness, diamagnetism has several important uses.

Magnetic Levitation (Maglev)

One of the most important uses of diamagnetism is in magnetic levitation (Maglev) trains. Maglev trains use powerful magnets to levitate above the tracks, reducing friction and allowing them to travel at very high speeds. The diamagnetic properties of the tracks help to keep the trains levitated, even at high speeds.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Diamagnetism is also used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines. MRI machines use powerful magnets to create a magnetic field that aligns the protons in the body. The protons then emit radio waves, which are used to create images of the body. The diamagnetic properties of the body help to focus the magnetic field and improve the quality of the images.

Magnetic Separation

Diamagnetism can also be used to separate different materials. For example, diamagnetic materials can be separated from paramagnetic materials by passing them through a magnetic field. The diamagnetic materials will be repelled by the magnetic field, while the paramagnetic materials will be attracted to it. This process can be used to separate minerals, metals, and other materials.

Magnetic Shielding

Diamagnetic materials can also be used to create magnetic shields. Magnetic shields are used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from magnetic fields. The diamagnetic material surrounds the equipment and creates a region of space where the magnetic field is canceled out. This helps to protect the equipment from damage caused by magnetic fields.

Diamagnetism is a weak form of magnetism, but it has several important uses. These uses include magnetic levitation, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic separation, and magnetic shielding. Diamagnetism is a valuable property that has helped to improve our lives in many ways.

Diamagnetism FAQs

Q: What is diamagnetism?

A: Diamagnetism is a type of magnetism that occurs in all materials, but it is usually very weak. It is caused by the movement of electrons in atoms and molecules when they are exposed to a magnetic field.

Q: What materials are diamagnetic?

A: All materials are diamagnetic, but some materials are more diamagnetic than others. Some common diamagnetic materials include:

  • Copper
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Aluminum
  • Lead
  • Zinc
  • Carbon
  • Water

Q: How does diamagnetism work?

A: Diamagnetism is caused by the movement of electrons in atoms and molecules when they are exposed to a magnetic field. The electrons move in a way that creates a magnetic field that opposes the applied magnetic field. This opposing magnetic field is what causes diamagnetism.

Q: What are some applications of diamagnetism?

A: Diamagnetism has a number of applications, including:

  • Magnetic levitation (maglev) trains
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Superconductors
  • Magnetic compasses

Q: Is diamagnetism the same as paramagnetism?

A: No, diamagnetism and paramagnetism are two different types of magnetism. Diamagnetism is caused by the movement of electrons in atoms and molecules, while paramagnetism is caused by the presence of unpaired electrons in atoms and molecules.

Q: Is diamagnetism the same as ferromagnetism?

A: No, diamagnetism and ferromagnetism are two different types of magnetism. Diamagnetism is caused by the movement of electrons in atoms and molecules, while ferromagnetism is caused by the alignment of magnetic domains in a material.