Tips For Staying Calm And Composed During JEE Exams

Tips for staying calm and composed during JEE exams

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is one of the most competitive exams in India, and it is natural for students to feel anxious and stressed during this time. However, staying calm and composed is crucial for performing well in the exam. Here are some tips to help JEE students maintain their composure and perform to the best of their abilities:

1. Prepare well in advance

One of the main reasons for exam anxiety is inadequate preparation. Start your JEE preparation early and create a study schedule that allows you to cover all the topics thoroughly. When you are well-prepared, you will feel more confident and less anxious during the exam.

2. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help calm your mind and reduce stress. Taking short breaks during study sessions to practice these techniques can improve your focus and concentration.

Benefits of Relaxation and Mindfulness Practices in Exam Preparation

Reduced Stress and Anxiety:

Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga, have been scientifically proven to reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone. By inducing a state of relaxation, these practices help calm the nervous system, alleviate tension, and promote a sense of equilibrium, allowing students to approach exams with greater composure and clarity.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration:

Mindfulness practices, such as mindfulness meditation and body scans, cultivate present-moment awareness. This heightened awareness enables students to stay focused on the task at hand, minimize distractions, and improve their concentration. By training the mind to be less reactive to external stimuli, students can enhance their cognitive abilities and perform better under exam conditions.

Improved Memory and Recall:

Research has shown that relaxation and mindfulness practices can enhance memory formation and retrieval. By reducing stress and anxiety, which can impair memory function, these techniques create a more conducive environment for learning and recall. Additionally, mindfulness practices promote non-judgmental observation of thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, which can improve memory by reducing cognitive interference.

Increased Emotional Regulation:

Exams can evoke a range of emotions, from anxiety to excitement. Relaxation and mindfulness practices provide students with tools to regulate their emotions effectively. Through these practices, students can learn to identify and manage their emotional responses, preventing overwhelming emotions from interfering with their exam performance.


To incorporate relaxation and mindfulness into exam preparation, students can:

  • Engage in regular breathing exercises: Practice deep breathing techniques, such as the 4-7-8 breath, which involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation: Focus on the present moment by observing your breath or bodily sensations without judgment. Start with short sessions of 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the duration.
  • Incorporate yoga or stretching: Engage in physical activities that promote relaxation and flexibility, such as yoga or gentle stretching, to reduce tension and improve focus.
  • Use guided relaxation apps: Utilize apps that provide guided relaxation exercises, such as Headspace or Calm, to facilitate relaxation and mindfulness practices.

By incorporating relaxation and mindfulness practices into their exam preparation, students can reduce stress, enhance their cognitive abilities, regulate their emotions, and ultimately improve their exam performance.

3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and exercise regularly. Avoid excessive caffeine and junk food as they can increase anxiety levels. Taking care of your physical well-being will help you stay calm and focused during the exam.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for Optimal Exam Preparation

Embracing a healthy lifestyle is paramount for students preparing for exams. A well-rounded approach encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being can significantly enhance cognitive function, reduce stress, and improve overall exam performance.

Physical Health:

  • Regular Exercise: Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week. Exercise improves cardiovascular health, reduces stress hormones, and enhances cognitive abilities, including memory and attention.
  • Healthy Diet: Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods that provide sustained energy. Focus on consuming fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of saturated and trans fats, which can impair cognitive function.
  • Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation, the process by which short-term memories are converted into long-term memories.

Mental Health:

  • Stress Management Techniques: Learn and practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Stress can impair cognitive function and make it difficult to focus and remember information.
  • Study Breaks: Take regular breaks throughout your study sessions to allow your mind to rest and recharge. Engage in enjoyable activities that help you relax and de-stress.
  • Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive and optimistic attitude towards your studies. Focus on your strengths, set realistic goals, and avoid self-criticism, which can undermine your motivation and confidence.

Emotional Well-being:

  • Social Connections: Maintain strong relationships with friends, family, and classmates. Social support can provide emotional resilience, reduce stress, and boost morale.
  • Purpose and Meaning: Find purpose and meaning in your studies by connecting them to your values and goals. This can enhance motivation and make the learning process more enjoyable.
  • Self-Care: Prioritize activities that nourish your emotional well-being, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature. Self-care practices help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall health.


  • A student who incorporates regular runs into her weekly routine experiences improved focus and memory during study sessions.
  • A student who follows a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fish reports enhanced cognitive abilities and reduced stress levels.
  • A student who practices mindfulness meditation before exams finds it easier to manage anxiety and stay calm during the test.
  • A student who connects with friends for study breaks and engages in hobbies outside of studying maintains a positive mindset and reduces burnout.
  • A student who finds purpose in her studies by aspiring to make a difference in the world is more motivated and dedicated to her learning.
4. Avoid comparison and negative thoughts

Avoid comparing yourself to others or dwelling on negative thoughts. Remember that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your own progress and believe in your abilities. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who motivate and encourage you.

5. Break down the syllabus into manageable parts

The JEE exam can be overwhelming due to its vast syllabus. Break it down into smaller, manageable parts and tackle them one at a time. Set realistic goals for each study session and celebrate your achievements along the way. This approach will help you stay motivated and reduce exam-related stress.

Breaking Down the Syllabus

Exam preparation begins with a thorough understanding of the syllabus. Breaking down the syllabus involves meticulously analyzing its structure, content, and learning objectives. This comprehensive approach enables candidates to allocate their time and effort effectively, ensuring that they cover all essential topics.

1. Syllabus Structure:

  • Sections and Modules: Determine the organization of the syllabus into sections or modules. This helps candidates visualize the overall structure and identify areas that require more focus.
  • Learning Objectives: Carefully review the learning objectives for each section or module. These objectives outline the specific knowledge and skills that candidates should acquire.
  • Assessment Format: Understand the examination format, including the types of questions asked (e.g., multiple-choice, short-answer, essay) and the weight assigned to each section.

2. Content Analysis:

  • Key Concepts and Theories: Identify the core concepts and theories covered in the syllabus. These are the foundational elements that form the backbone of the exam content.
  • Examples and Applications: Note the examples and applications provided in the syllabus. These aid in understanding the concepts in context and prepare candidates for the application-based questions that may appear.
  • Terminology and Definitions: Carefully review the terminology and definitions introduced in the syllabus. Accurate understanding of these terms is crucial for comprehending the exam content.

3. Prioritization and Time Allocation:

  • Difficulty Level: Assess the difficulty level of different sections based on the complexity of the concepts and the weight assigned in the exam.
  • Time Allocation: Allocate study time based on the difficulty and importance of each section. Focus more on areas that require additional attention.
  • Revision Schedule: Create a revision schedule that allows for multiple reviews of the material. This helps strengthen retention and improves recall during the exam.


Consider a syllabus section on “Financial Management”:

  • Section: Financial Management
  • Learning Objective: Understand the concepts of financial planning, budgeting, and investment analysis.
  • Key Concepts: Net present value, internal rate of return, capital budgeting, risk assessment.
  • Examples: Calculation of NPV for a new investment project, evaluation of investment options based on risk-return trade-offs.
  • Assessment Format: Multiple-choice questions on concepts, short-answer questions on applications, essay on financial planning.
  • Time Allocation: 20 hours of study, with 5 hours dedicated to risk assessment, a relatively complex concept.
  • Revision Schedule: Review the section twice before the exam, focus on key concepts and examples during revisions.
6. Practice time management

Time management is crucial during the JEE exam. Practice solving previous years’ question papers and mock tests within the stipulated time frame. This will help you get accustomed to the exam pattern and improve your speed and accuracy. Effective time management will reduce last-minute panic and help you stay calm during the exam.

Time Management for Exam Preparation

Efficient time management is crucial for successful exam preparation. It enables students to allocate their time wisely, prioritize tasks, and avoid procrastination. Here are some strategies to optimize time management:

Planning and Scheduling:

  • Create a study schedule: Determine the specific time slots for each subject, ensuring a balanced distribution.
  • Break down large tasks: Divide extensive study material into smaller, manageable chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Set realistic goals: Establish achievable targets to prevent burnout and maintain motivation.
  • Use a planner or calendar: Keep track of upcoming deadlines, appointments, and study sessions.

Prioritization and Organization:

  • Identify essential concepts: Focus on understanding the core concepts of each subject.
  • Use the Pomodoro Technique: Alternate between focused study intervals and short breaks to enhance productivity.
  • Eliminate distractions: Create a distraction-free study environment, minimizing interruptions from social media, noise, or other distractions.
  • Utilize online tools: Leverage study apps, flashcards, and online resources to supplement traditional study methods.

Self-Discipline and Consistency:

  • Stick to your schedule: Adhere to the study plan to maintain discipline and avoid falling behind.
  • Avoid procrastination: Break down daunting tasks into smaller steps and start working on them immediately.
  • Reward yourself: Provide small rewards for completing study sessions or achieving milestones to maintain motivation.
  • Seek support: Reach out to teachers, tutors, or peers for assistance when necessary.


  • Example 1: A student creates a study schedule that allocates 2 hours to Math, 1.5 hours to English, and 30 minutes to Social Studies each day.
  • Example 2: A student uses the Pomodoro Technique to study for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break, repeating this cycle multiple times.
  • Example 3: A student minimizes distractions by studying in a quiet library, using noise-canceling headphones, and blocking social media access during study sessions.
7. Stay positive and maintain a positive mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset is essential for staying calm during the JEE exam. Visualize yourself performing well and achieving your goals. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remember that a positive attitude can go a long way in boosting your confidence and reducing anxiety.

Maintaining a Positive Mindset for Exam Preparation

In the realm of exam preparation, a positive mindset serves as a cornerstone for success. It enables candidates to navigate the challenges of studying and retain information effectively, ultimately leading to improved performance and higher scores. Here’s how maintaining a positive mindset can benefit exam preparation:

1. Enhanced Motivation and Focus: A positive mindset fuels motivation and sustains focus. When candidates believe in their abilities, they are more likely to invest time and effort in studying. They are also less prone to distractions and can immerse themselves fully in the learning process.

2. Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Exam preparation often triggers anxiety and stress. However, a positive mindset can mitigate these negative emotions. By focusing on past successes and envisioning positive outcomes, candidates can cope better with the pressure of exams and maintain a sense of calm and confidence.

3. Increased Resilience: Exam preparation inevitably involves setbacks and challenges. A positive mindset fosters resilience and helps candidates bounce back from disappointments. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, they learn from them and persevere with an optimistic outlook.


  • A student preparing for a math exam consistently visualizes themselves solving complex equations successfully, boosting their confidence and reducing anxiety.
  • A medical student facing a challenging anatomy test reminds themselves of their previous accomplishments in the field, instilling a sense of belief in their abilities.
  • A history student struggling with memorizing dates and events reframes their mindset by viewing it as a puzzle-solving exercise, fostering a sense of curiosity and engagement.

Strategies for Maintaining a Positive Mindset:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down large tasks into smaller, achievable steps to build confidence and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Focus on Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate each step forward, no matter how small. This reinforces positivity and keeps motivation levels high.
  • Practice Self-Affirmations: Engage in positive self-talk to combat negative thoughts and boost self-belief.
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity: Seek support from friends, family, or a study group that encourages and inspires you.
  • Reward Yourself: Acknowledge your efforts and reward yourself for your hard work, fostering a sense of accomplishment and maintaining motivation.

Maintaining a positive mindset during exam preparation is crucial for academic success. By embracing these strategies, candidates can cultivate a mindset that enhances their motivation, reduces stress, fosters resilience, and ultimately leads to improved performance.

8. Take breaks and relax

During the exam, take short breaks to relax and recharge. Stretch your body, take deep breaths, or engage in a quick activity that helps you relax. These breaks will help you release tension and maintain your composure throughout the exam.

Significance of Breaks and Relaxation in Exam Preparation:

During exam preparation, it is crucial to incorporate regular breaks and relaxation into your study schedule. These intervals provide much-needed respite for your mind and body, enabling you to return to your studies with renewed focus and energy. Without sufficient breaks, your cognitive abilities and productivity can diminish, leading to decreased efficiency and potential burnout.

Benefits of Breaks:

  • Enhanced Concentration and Focus: Taking short breaks throughout your study session allows your mind to rest and recharge. When you resume studying, you can approach the material with renewed attention and focus, improving your comprehension and retention.

  • Reduced Fatigue and Burnout: Continuously studying for extended periods without breaks can lead to physical and mental fatigue, which can impair your ability to absorb and retain information. Short intervals of relaxation help to revitalize you, preventing burnout and maintaining your motivation.

  • Improved Physical Health: Prolonged sitting can cause muscle stiffness, eye strain, and headaches. Regular breaks allow you to stretch, move around, and give your eyes a rest, reducing these physical discomforts and improving your overall well-being.

Techniques for Relaxation:

  • Mindful Breathing: Take a few minutes to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this several times, allowing your mind to settle down.

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense up different muscle groups in your body for a few seconds and then release them, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. This helps to release tension and promote relaxation.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Pay attention to your surroundings, including any sounds, smells, or sensations. Notice your thoughts without judgment and allow them to pass.

Example Break Schedule:

  • Pomodoro Technique: Study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After four study sessions, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

  • Time Blocking: Schedule specific break times into your study day. For example, you could take a 10-minute break every hour and a longer break of 30 minutes every 2-3 hours.

  • Active Breaks: Incorporate short periods of physical activity into your breaks. Go for a walk, stretch, or do some light exercises to get your blood flowing and refresh your mind.

Remember, staying calm and composed during the JEE exam is crucial for performing your best. Follow these tips, believe in yourself, and trust your preparation. With the right mindset and approach, you can overcome exam anxiety and achieve success in the JEE exam. Good luck!

Mock Test for JEE