Insurance Abbreviations

Insurance Abbreviations

Insurance abbreviations are frequently encountered in banking and insurance competitive exams. They are crucial for practical purposes within the insurance industry. This article provides a comprehensive list of insurance abbreviations from A to Z, along with their respective expanded forms.

List of Insurance Abbreviations (A-Z)
Abbreviation Expanded Form
ACA Affordable Care Act
ACO Accountable Care Organization
APTC Advanced Premium Tax
AV Actuarial Value
CAC Certified Application Counselor
CAP Consumer Assistance Program
CCIIO Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
CDC Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
CHC Community Health Center
CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medical Services
COB Coordination of Benefits
COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
CO-OP Consumer Operated & Oriented Plan
CSR Cost-Sharing Reduction
DME Durable Medical Equipment
ECP Essential Community Provider
Healthcare Glossary

EHB: Essential Health Benefits are the minimum health coverage requirements that must be included in all health insurance plans sold on the Health Insurance Marketplace.

EMR: Electronic Medical Record is a digital version of a patient’s medical history, including their medical conditions, treatments, and medications.

EOB: Explanation of Benefits is a statement from your health insurance company that provides details about the medical services you received and the amount your insurance company paid for them.

EPO: Exclusive Provider Organization is a type of health insurance plan that requires you to use healthcare providers within the plan’s network.

EPSDT: Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic & Treatment Services are preventive health services for children under the age of 21 who are enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP.

ERISA: Employee Retirement Income Security Act is a federal law that sets minimum standards for employee benefit plans, including health insurance plans.

ESI: Employee Sponsored Insurance is health insurance provided by an employer to their employees.

FFM/FFE: Federally Facilitated Marketplace/Federally Facilitated Exchange is the federal government’s online marketplace where individuals and small businesses can shop for health insurance plans.

FFS: Fee for Service is a type of health insurance plan in which you pay a fee for each medical service you receive.

FPL: Federal Poverty Level is a measure of income used to determine eligibility for various government programs, including health insurance subsidies.

FQHC: Federally Qualified Health Center is a community-based healthcare center that provides comprehensive primary care services to underserved populations.

FSA: Flexible Spending Amount is a tax-advantaged savings account that can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses.

HCR: Health Care Reform refers to the Affordable Care Act, which made significant changes to the U.S. healthcare system.

HCBS: Home & Community Based Services are long-term care services that are provided in a person’s home or community instead of a nursing home.

HHS: U.S Department of Health & Human Services is the federal agency responsible for administering various health programs, including Medicare and Medicaid.

HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act is a federal law that protects the privacy of health information.

HIM/HIX: Health Insurance Marketplace/Health Insurance Exchange is a state-based or federal online marketplace where individuals and small businesses can shop for health insurance plans.

HMO: Health Maintenance Organization is a type of health insurance plan that requires you to use healthcare providers within the plan’s network.

HRP: High Risk Pool is a state-based program that provides health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions who are unable to obtain coverage through traditional health insurance plans.

HRSA: Health Resources & Services Administration is a federal agency that provides funding for healthcare services to underserved populations.

HSA: Health Savings Account is a tax-advantaged savings account that can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses.

HDHP: High Deductible Health Plan is a type of health insurance plan that has a high deductible but lower monthly premiums.

IPA: In-Person Assisters Program is a program that provides free or low-cost help to individuals and small businesses in shopping for health insurance plans on the Health Insurance Marketplace.

LTC: Long Term Care is a type of care that is provided to people who need assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and eating.

MAGI: Modified Adjusted Gross Income is a measure of income used to determine eligibility for various government programs, including health insurance subsidies.

MA: Medicare Advantage is a type of Medicare health plan that is offered by private insurance companies.

MLR: Medical Loss Ratio is the percentage of premium revenue that health insurance companies must spend on medical care and quality improvement activities.

OEP: Open Enrollment Period is the time of year when individuals and small businesses can enroll in or change their health insurance plans on the Health Insurance Marketplace.

OON: Out of Network refers to healthcare providers who are not part of your health insurance plan’s network.

OOP: Out of Pocket refers to the amount of money you pay for healthcare services before your health insurance starts to cover the costs.

PBM: Pharmacy Benefit Manager is a company that manages prescription drug benefits for health insurance plans.

PCIP: Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan is a temporary health insurance plan that was available to people with pre-existing conditions before the Affordable Care Act was implemented.

PCORI: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute is a non-profit organization that funds research on patient-centered outcomes and comparative effectiveness of healthcare interventions.

PCP: Primary Care Provider is a healthcare provider who provides routine and preventive care to patients.

PDP: Prescription Drug Plan under Medicare Part D is a type of Medicare health plan that provides prescription drug coverage.

POS: Point-of-Service Plan is a type of health insurance plan that allows you to use healthcare providers both within and outside of the plan’s network.

PPO: Preferred Provider Organization is a type of health insurance plan that offers lower cost-sharing for using healthcare providers within the plan’s network.

QHP: Qualified Health Plan is a health insurance plan that meets the minimum standards set by the Affordable Care Act.

SBC: Summary of Benefits & Coverage is a document that provides a summary of the benefits and coverage of a health insurance plan.

SBM/SBE: State Based Marketplace/State Based Exchange is a state-based online marketplace where individuals and small businesses can shop for health insurance plans.

SEP: Special Enrollment Period is a time outside of the Open Enrollment Period when individuals and small businesses can enroll in or change their health insurance plans due to certain qualifying life events.

SHOP: Small Business Health Options Program is a federal program that provides tax credits to small businesses that offer health insurance to their employees.

SNF: Skilled Nursing Facility is a type of long-term care facility that provides skilled nursing care and rehabilitation services.

SPM/SPE: State Partnership Marketplace/State Partnership Exchange is a state-based online marketplace where individuals and small businesses can shop for health insurance plans.

SPP: Speciality Pharmacy Provider is a pharmacy that specializes in dispensing medications for complex or chronic conditions.

SSDI: Social Security Disability Income is a federal program that provides monthly benefits to people who are unable to work due to a disability.

SSI: Supplemental Security Income is a federal program that provides monthly benefits to people who are aged 65 or older, blind, or disabled and have limited income and resources.

TPA: Third Party Administrator is a company that administers health insurance plans on behalf of employers or insurance companies.

UCR: Usual, Customary & Reasonable Charges are the typical charges for medical services in a particular geographic area.

Insurance Abbreviations FAQs
What is insurance?

Insurance implies protection from financial loss by way of risk management against the risks of a contingent or uncertain loss.

Importance of Insurance Abbreviations

Knowing insurance abbreviations is crucial for practical purposes and exam preparations.

Types of Insurance

There are two main types of insurance:

  • Life Insurance: Provides financial protection to the insured’s beneficiaries in the event of their death.
  • Non-Life Insurance (General Insurance): Covers various risks and losses, such as property damage, vehicle accidents, and medical expenses.
Memorizing Insurance Abbreviations

Here are some tips for memorizing insurance abbreviations:

  • Regular Mock Tests: Practice mock tests that include insurance abbreviations to familiarize yourself with them.
  • Writing Practice: Write down insurance abbreviations and their full forms regularly to reinforce your memory.
  • Relate to the Industry: Associate insurance abbreviations with real-life scenarios and industry practices to make them more memorable.