Work Energy And Power Question 283

Question: A ball of mass m hits the floor making an angle 9 as shown in the figure. Ife is the coefficient of restitution, then which relation is true, for the velocity component before and after collision?


A) $ V^{1}\sin \theta ‘=Vsin\theta $

B) $ V^{1}\sin \theta ‘=-sin\theta $

C) $ V^{1}\cos \theta ‘=V\cos \theta $

D) $ V^{1}\cos \theta ‘=-V\cos \theta $

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Correct Answer: A


[a] As the floor exerts a force on the ball along the normal, & no force parallel to the surface, therefore the velocity component along the parallel to the floor remains constant.

$ Hence V sin \theta =V^{1} sin {{\theta }^{1}}. $

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