Rotational Motion Question 62

Question: A uniform rod of length $ l $ and mass m is free to rotate in a vertical plane about A. The rod initially in horizontal position is released. The initial angular acceleration of the rod is: (Moment of inertia of rod about A is $ \frac{ml^{2}}{3} $ )

[AIPMT (S) 2006]


A) $ \frac{3g}{2l} $

B) $ \frac{2l}{3g} $

C) $ \frac{3g}{2l^{2}} $

D) $ mg\frac{l}{2} $

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Correct Answer: A


  • The moment of inertia of the uniform rod about an axis through one end and perpendicular to length is

    $ I=\frac{ml^{2}}{3} $

    where m is mass of rod and $ l $ its length.

    Torque $ (\tau =I\alpha ) $ acting on centre of gravity of rod is given by

    $ \tau =mg\frac{l}{2} $

    or $ I\alpha =mg\frac{l}{2} $

    or $ \frac{ml^{2}}{3}\alpha =mg\frac{l}{2} $

    $ \therefore $ $ \alpha =\frac{3g}{2l} $

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