Rotational Motion Question 48

Question: P is the point of contact of a wheel and the ground. The radius of wheel is 1 m. The wheel rolls on the ground without slipping. The displacement of point P when wheel completes half rotation is:

[AIPMT 2002]


A) 2 m

B) $ \sqrt{{{\pi }^{2}}+4}m $

C) $ \pi m $

D) $ \sqrt{{{\pi }^{2}}+2}m $

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Correct Answer: B


  • When the wheel rolls on the ground without slipping and completes half rotation, point P takes new. Horizontal displacement, $ x=\pi R $

    Vertical displacement, $ y~=2R $

    Thus, displacement of the point P when wheel completes half rotation,

    $ s=\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}} $

    $ =\sqrt{{{(\pi R)}^{2}}+{{(2R)}^{2}}} $

    $ =\sqrt{{{\pi }^{2}}R^{2}+4R^{2}} $

    But $ R=1m $ (given)

    $ \therefore $ $ s=\sqrt{{{\pi }^{2}}{{(1)}^{2}}+4{{(1)}^{2}}} $ $ =\sqrt{{{\pi }^{2}}+4}m $

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